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  • Writer's pictureJohn Dempster

A Slam to remember.....

We had a great evening at Highland Literary Salon on Tuesday evening (January 31st)

Tara Taylor-Craig (of UHI) led a performance workshop, and many very gifted writers took part in the Slam which followed. It was both humbling and inspiring to hear these deeply thoughtful pieces straight from the authors' lips.

Here are some of the comments on Facebook following the event:

Great night, really glad to hear so many great pieces

It was wonderfully encouraging to see so many folks come along and participate... which certainly augurs well for the Salon's future development.

One of our attendees grew angel wings during her prose

Huge and varied talent. Great to be a part. Well done all involved.

Donna Melvin from the Salon Committee wrote ‘Thanks for all your wonderful, positive feedback last night - it is so much appreciated. Many great ideas on how to improve future events, and comfort those twitching nerves. We can only make it a success with your input and help. Let’s work together, to discover and support new and existing talent in the Highlands.’

The Committee members are keen to consult with members and friends of the Salon so that we can plan a programme which meets your needs and your schedule. That’s why the next Salon event, on 28th February is a ‘Meet and Greet’: a chance for everyone to share their views on the Salon’s road to the future. How can we best encourage and support you in your writing?

Once again, it will be at the Glenmoriston Town House Do please come along, and be part of the Salon’s tomorrow.


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