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HighlandLIT: events

Next Meeting

AGM and Poetry Open Mic with Scottish Highlands and Islands Poetry Society
17 February 2025
at the Chieftain Hotel
and on-line
Click here for full details​
Join or re-join HighlandLIT for April 24 - March 25
HighlandLIT offers a suenvironment for writers whatever their level of experience, and seeks to be responsive to the expressed needs of members. Memership costs only £30, with an £10 concession for people on low incomes.
Your subscription helps make the yearly programme possible - and there are also great membership benefits, including free entry to all HighlandLIT monthly events - this alone is worth £40!
CLICK HERE TO reach the online store.
email us at: highlandlit.com@gmail.com

HighlandLit meets regularly in Inverness
Bringing together those with an interest in all things to do with the written word and the wider world of publishing, HighlandLit provides a valuable opportunity to discuss projects, books, ideas and attend workshops
It also encourages members and guests to meet and ask questions of published writers and poets, and hear them read from their work
HighlandLIT blog: latest posts