Meg Pokrass

Meg's Books and Anthologies:
Damn Sure Right (Press 53, 2011), The Dog Looks Happy Upside Down (Etruscan Press, 2015), Cellulose Pajamas (Blue Light Press, 2016), My Very End of the Universe: Five Novellas in Flash and Study of the Form (Rose Metal Press, 2014), Alligators At Night (Ad Hoc Fiction, 2018), Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (V. Press, 2020), The Dog Seated Next to Me (Pelekinesis, 2020), The Loss Detector (Bamboo Dart Press, 2021) Spinning to Mars (Blue Light Book Award, 2021), The House of Grana Padano (co-written with noted American prose poet Jeff Friedman – Pelekinesis 2022).
Meg’s flash fiction has been included in 3 recent W.W. Norton & Co Anthologies (“Norton Anthologies”) of the flash fiction form: including Flash Fiction International (ed. By Robert Shapard and James Thomas, W. W. Norton & Co., 2015), New Micro (ed. by Robert Scotellaro and James Thomas, W.W. Norton & Co., 2018) and the forthcoming in Flash Fiction America (W.W. Norton & Co., 2023). Her flash fiction and prose poetry has been widely, internationally anthologised and has appeared in over 1,000 literary magazines and anthologies, both online and in print
Meg Pokrass is an Inverness newcomer. She is the expat American author of many collections of flash fiction. (See the panel on the left for some of her publications.)
Meg is the Flash Challenge Editor and Creator for Mslexia Magazine, Founding Editor of New Flash Fiction Review, Festival Curator of Flash Fiction Festival U.K. (Bristol), Founder of the Flash Fiction Collective Reading Series in San Francisco, and two-time recipient of San Francisco’s Blue Light Book Award. The Best Microfiction Anthology Series of which she is Founding Editor and Series Co-Editor received the Bronze Independent Press Award (Bronze IPPY Award) in 2021, and was a finalist for the Big Other Book Award for Fiction. ​
She has taught flash fiction at literary festivals around the U.K. including Mslexia’s Mslexicon Festival, Huddersfield Literature Festival, Flash Fiction Festival U.K. and is soon to be teaching at the Nairn Book and Arts Festival.
Additionally, she leads online flash fiction and microfiction workshops.
She grew up in Santa Barbara, California and spent most of her adult life in San Francisco. Meg moved to the U.K. from San Francisco in 2016, and has now settled in Inverness.
Why she moved from California to Scotland is a long story.. If you ask her out for coffee, she’ll try to explain…
Find out more about Meg (and read many of her stories published online) right here: http://megpokrass.com/
Flash Fiction
Flash fiction is a miniature story told in under 1,000 words. The form is known for its inventiveness and often dream-like logic.
In some ways flash fiction is closer to poetry than fiction. There is often an emphasis on what is not said. Meg is drawn to the way excellent flash fiction creates a feeling of intimate collaboration between reader and writer, a place that is both private and shared.